
Conference Information > Poster Session (Schedule and Instructions)



The poster sessions will take place in the  Hall of Sports, along with the industrial exhibition and coffee breaks.
Posters sessions are scheduled on:,
  • Wednesday 2July
Posters can be hung on Monday 30 June
Posters must be removed on Thursday 3 July in the afternoon, no later than 18:00.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTERS  (Students & Non-students Authors)
  • The recommended format for the Poster is A0 vertical (841 mm width x 1189 mm height) to fit the panel,


  •  All supplies for posters installation will be available in a dedicated stand in the exhibition hall (double-sided velcro adhesive, Patafix or clips),
  • We require that you bring your printed poster. There is no possibility of printing on-site,
  • DO NOT mail posters to the Conference Secretariat. THERMEC Secretariat does not assume any responsibility for mailed posters and will not acknowledge receiving it,
  • Please note that poster and oral presentations have the same scientific value at THERMEC’2025. Manuscripts of both presentations will be reviewed for scientific merit and will be included in the periodical/proceedings,
  • Presenters are therefore strongly encouraged to stand near their posters to answer questions from delegates,
  • The Organizing Committee is eager to ensure maximum scientific impact from the poster sessions. To this end, the committee will visit the posters during the poster sessions.
  • Additionally, to enlighten the poster work and create more interactivity (onsite/online), a 3 min video is kindly requested to all poster presentation: file name should indicate your presentation ID + author’s name (eg. Tu-P-01_Author) using only mp4 format, and upload it on your profile page at least on xxxx.There will be x prizes awarded to the best posters. To apply  for poster prices, please consult the Awards section.
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